"FROM CLAY AND FIRE" | Exhibition of Ukrainian Household Ceramics

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  • "FROM CLAY AND FIRE" | Exhibition of Ukrainian Household Ceramics

From May 1st, an exhibition of Ukrainian household ceramics titled "From Clay and Fire" is open in the display window of the ceramics workshop in the courtyard of the Klaipėda Ethnocultural Center (Daržų St. 10). The exhibition features traditional Ukrainian ceramics—vessels for cooking and storage.

Let's get to know the collection's custodian.

The exhibits come from the personal collection of Lidiya Anokhina. Lidiya Anokhina (84 years old) was born in Ukraine, in the Lutsk district of Volyn. Having come to Klaipėda to visit her sister, she fell in love with the seaside and has lived in Lithuania since 1969. She worked as a geography teacher and deputy principal in Klaipėda. On Lidiya Anokhina's initiative, a Museum of Ukrainian Culture and Everyday Life operated in the school from 2003 to 2020, with exhibits brought from Ukraine by the founder and collected from the local Ukrainian diaspora.

Art Yard (Daržų g. 10)